Wednesday, December 2, 2009

About Me.

My name is Harley Nicole. I am a 16 year old with the mind of a 19 to 23 year old. I live with 6 other people and 4 dogs. Life gets rough, at home and at high school. My best friend lives about 5 states away, we met on myspace. She's amazing! I'm a single junior in high school. I enjoy reading, writing, and I spend a lot of time online discovering new friends. I sound like a nerd, I know, but everyone is. :)


  1. I told you I found you!

    Exciting indeed.

    You know what's not exciting?

    The fact there is no Supernatural tonight.

    blog me ;D

  2. yay you blogged me!

    saying that makes me feel somewhat violated.

    in a good way?


    thanks for the love.

    <3 Sammi
